Composting tunnels

In Vessel Composting (IVC) is executed in completely closed (concete) vessels; so called tunnels.
Tunnel dimensions vary and can go up to 12 m wide and 60 m long.
Process and odour control is optimal, resulting in homogene pasteurization ans degradation of organics without any odour emissions nor intensive turning.

Our design is partly standardized and modular to guarantee good performance at acceptable costs. Future expand is always possible to comply with any increase of input materials.

Our air handling systems with spigot tunnel floors ensure optimal air distribution and air handling.
While composting, ammonia and Volitile Organic Componds (VOC’s) among others develop, making a smelly environment.  It is important to control the odour output of the facility to keep your neighbourghs happy.
Air from working halls and tunnels is processed in acidic scrubbers and a biofilter. This is considered Best Available Technique at low operation cost reducing odour at the highest level.

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Contact us if you are looking for a partner in developing your composting solution

+31(0)77 399 9500

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